I have just the short course for you...
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Your time, attention and energy are precious resources that should only be spent on what really matters to you. If you ever want to click here to update your info or click here to unsubscribe entirely please do so, safe in the knowledge that I will still think wonderful things about you... (Looking strange? View in browser.)

Hey ,

I'm sure you have been as horrified as I have been to read recent headlines about microplastics being found in human placentas and increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

It seems they are everywhere now and, of course, the priority needs to be reducing plastic production in the first place.

However, as a designer-maker, you might be wondering what you can do to stem the tide of waste plastics heading into our water systems and therefore our bodies.

One thing you might want to explore is using waste plastic as a raw material in your work – connecting with the second tenet of the circular economy 'to keep materials in use at the highest value possible' locking that plastic into something that will valued and keeping it out of the ocean.

If this is something you're exploring, check out my new short course How To Turn Plastic Waste Into Products and Furniture – it's one module of my Waste Masterclass, pulled out into a stand-alone course to make it more accessible.


And if this is not something you're interested in, this email is in no way intended to shame you into using waste plastic!

I believe very strongly that we each have our own contribution to make in tackling the environmental crisis and yours needs to align with your values, your passions, and your skillset – and maybe that's not in plastic. If that's the case, you do you.

If you know your contribution doesn't involve working with plastic, but you're not yet sure what it does involve, I have made a different short course for you – How to Discover Your Environmental Superpower.

You'll come out of that one a lot more clear about how you – and only you – can make a disproportionately positive impact in the world.

Check it out and hit reply with any questions. And if you're keen, because you're a newsletter subscriber, , you get 10% off. Just use your personal code: MMXYYHEAQG

Stay curious, imperfect and defiantly hopeful,


PS I have recently segmented my email list (manually – that was fun!) into two groups. If you're a designer-maker making imperfect progress towards environmental sustainability, you're in the right place. If you're from a bigger brand, or you're an event organiser, educator, editor, publisher or involved in craft and design in another way, you might want to unsubscribe from this one and sign up for my monthly newsletter instead – or come and find me on LinkedIn.


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