Share your Read/Watch/Listen recommendations for the weekend
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Hey, hey – happy Friday!

How was your week? Hit reply and let me know.

Whether it was good or bad, it's almost the weekend, which can mean only one thing – this week's Read//Watch/Listen recommendations are up...



READ >>> I have just started reading Regenerative Leadership by Giles Hutchins and Laura Storm. I saw Laura speak when we were both part of the Vancouver Zero Waste Conference at the end of 2022, and she blew me away. The book is full of beautiful illustrations, quotes and photography as well as lots of rigorous thinking – I am already hooked, just a few pages in.

WATCH >>> I saw Zone of Interest with my Dad on a recent trip to Exeter and it has really stayed with me. In the days afterwards, Pip Wilcox shared a brilliant piece of performance poetry by Max Porter via her Instagram feed and it connected the dots from them to now and clarified the message to take from Zone of Interest. Both are deeply disturbing (but incredibly important) so proceed with caution and take care of yourself, particularly if you are personally affected by the issues raised.

LISTEN >>> I realise that I never gave a shout-out to the final episode in S4 of my own podcast! The second part of my brilliant conversation with Tamu Thomas (about her upcoming book Women Who Work Too Much) came out after I went away for Christmas, and I completely forgot to share it when I got back! Tamu is an absolute powerhouse – give it a listen.

That's it from me this week and I'm away next week (for my birthday!), so I'll be back in your inboxes w/c 11 March. Thank you so much for having me.

Stay curious, imperfect and defiantly hopeful,

P.S. It's (finally!) March, which means I have some new nature-informed 1:1 coaching and mentoring spots opening up. Find out more and book your slot here >>>

P.P.S. When I share a book, it's often an affiliate link to – a socially conscious way to buy books online. They dedicate most of their profits to supporting independent bookshops, authors, and publications that cover books. Authors can become affiliates and earn 10% of every purchase made from their Bookshop sales, with a matching 10% going to support independent bookshops, so if you buy anything through those links, you can count that as your good deed for the day. Dyb, dyb, dyb! ;) 


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