How you can have more impact by doing less
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Your time, attention and energy are precious resources that should only be spent on what really matters to you. If you ever want to click here to update your info or click here to unsubscribe entirely please do so, safe in the knowledge that I will still think wonderful things about you... (Looking strange? View in browser.)

Hey ,

Making Design Circular now has 12 self-paced short courses to choose from.... 12! Which makes it really tricky to decide what to tell you about today – because I genuinely love them all!

But something I saw on Instagram this weekend made me think of one in particular. Suzy Reading posted:

'I don't want to be "selfless" anymore. I want to be somebody. I want to change the world for the better by pursuing my own hopes, dreams and desires, not by denying them.'

Suzy is an author and a chartered psychologist and her content often resonates with me, but this one – oooooffff, yes!

Because you can actually have more impact – more chance of changing the world for the better – when you align your actions with your talents, your resources, and your passion.

Behavioural psychology shows that when we are intrinsically motivated (when we do things for the joy of them, not because we feel we "should") we are more likely to stick at them.

...which is why I created How to Discover Your Environmental Superpower – a short course that will help you work out how to change the world for the better by pursuing your own hopes, dreams and desires.


This course is already changing people's lives – bringing joy and energy into their environmentalism efforts. Furniture maker Nick James said:

'One thing I have been doing since The Seed is 'Woodland Wednesdays', where I leave the lads in the workshop and go to the woods. The Seed helped to make me realise how important this is to me and gave me permission to prioritise it more.'

Check it out and hit reply with any questions. And if you're keen, because you're a newsletter subscriber, , you get 10% off. Just use your personal code: MMXYYHEAQG

Stay curious, imperfect and defiantly hopeful,


PS I have recently segmented my email list (manually – that was fun!) into two groups. If you're a designer-maker making imperfect progress towards environmental sustainability, you're in the right place. If you're from a bigger brand, or you're an event organiser, educator, editor, publisher or involved in craft and design in another way, you might want to unsubscribe from this one and sign up for my monthly newsletter instead – or come and find me on LinkedIn.


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